(日本語) 今年1年のそふらぼ教授部屋

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.





  • Groot → 95g
  • Good → 54g
  • Star → 50g








  • 草食性なので臭くない
  • 共食いしない
  • 鳴かない
  • 耐久性が強い
  • 育ちが遅い


  • Gである
  • 成虫は5cm越えに成長し,圧が強い











みなさんHappy Merry Holidays and Happy New Year!

A Dream of Cricket Farm

A Dream of Cricket Farm

Hello, I’m omzn.
This article is for the 16th day of あくあたん工房 Advent Calendar 2022.

Following the story on the second day, I would like to talk about the cricket, live bait of the Leopard Gecko.

Leopard geckos will eat artificial feed, but will also eat live and frozen crickets.
They are moody, sometimes eating only artificial feed and sometimes only crickets.
Crickets can be collected in the wild, but it is also easy to buy farmed crickets from a cricket farm.
The most famous farmed crickets are the “European house cricket,” also known as the “Yeko” species.
It seems to originate from Southwest Asia, and is widely used as a pet and for food all over the world.
They are available at reptile stores for about 15 yen each, and at mail-order shops for about 5 yen each.
They can reproduce all year round and become adults in a few months, so even amateurs can cultivate them if they are well cared for.

If the food grows on its own and the supply keeps increasing, there is nothing more satisfying than this.
Every Leopard Gecko owner dreams of cricket farming at least once.

Well, omzn, as usual, decided to try to farm crickets.
To start with, I purchased 400 adult crickets from an Internet store, 200 of which I immediately froze and 200 of which I will keep in a cage.

The cage is not equipped with any bedding for easy cleaning, but a hiding place made of toilet paper cores, a water supply container, and a container of soil for spawning.

Here is a picture of the cage with 200 crickets in it.

Females begin to lay their eggs in the soil at once. The eggs are collected so thickly that they protrude from the soil.

The 200 crickets are captured and frozen little by little, and eventually all the crickets are frozen so that only the eggs remain.
The eggs are then kept at a constant temperature and humidity for two weeks.

Two weeks later, the eggs hatch. The larvae, which have a body size of about 1 mm, emerge at a rapid rate.

Growing them until they are large enough will ensure a sufficient number of frozen crickets, and enough will remain to lay eggs.

Here we have taken the first step toward a homemade cricket farm. Great!



In the cage of the leopard gecko, there are crickets that I tried to feed as live food, but they successfully escaped and hid. They can lay eggs, too.
There is plenty of soil. Even if they are preyed upon, the eggs will remain. The temperature and humidity are well maintained.

Naturally, after about two weeks, the larvae hatch in the cage.
Oh, there is a small larva near the water fountain. How cute!

We can breed crickets inside the leopard gecko cage, can’t we?



Here is a scary story.

Cricket cages are designed in such a way that crickets cannot climb out of them, so even a first instar larva of 1 mm in length cannot climb out.

However, this is not the case in the cages of the leopard gecko. There are masonry and driftwood reaching to the ceiling, a mesh ceiling, a door, and many gaps for ventilation.

As I write this, I feel something moving at the edge of my vision….


No way.

No, no, no way. 

Even if the larvae escaped, there is no food or water in the room, so the environment must be less than a desert for crickets.

There is no way they could become adult crickets.


By the way, what is the name of these crickets?



“European HOUSE cricket”


No, no, no, no, no, no, no way.

Does Aquatan Dream A Leopard Gecko?

Does Aquatan Dream A Leopard Gecko?

Hi, Aqua-tan Studio guys, this is omzn.
This article is the second day of the Aqua-tan Studio Advent Calendar 2022.

In 2022, I started keeping three leopard geckos at home.
It is widely known that Aqua-tan is an incarnation of a newt and hates geckos, but the leopard gecko is a member of the gecko family. Will Aqua-tan eventually reach a point of reconciliation?

Today, I would like to discuss the fascination of the leopard gecko. The Leopard Lizard is a reptile that has evolved to be very suitable for pets.

Breeding environment

The reptile cage is prepared with a red clay and a shelter for each gecko. To maintain humidity a water container is provided. A layout with driftwood is made for exercise.

Tolerant of drought

In the wild, they live in the sand and gravel regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, so they are very tolerant of drought. This is a big advantage when keeping them indoors, where they tend to dry out.

Capable of hoarding

Since they do not live in areas with abundant prey, they eat their fill when they can and store fat in their tails. 餌をやるのを忘れがちでも大丈夫です.

Artificial food is also acceptable.

They eat insects (crickets, etc.), but they are also accustomed to food.

Live food is also OK

It is very relaxing to give them live food such as crickets and watch them eat them with enthusiasm. However, it is a little difficult if they are not tolerant of insects.
Once you start feeding them live food, they will unconsciously look for grasshoppers and crickets when you walk outside. I captured dozens of crickets every time I hiked up a mountain this fall.

Defecation is rational

They defecate almost always in the same place. They produce a large stool at a time without making a mess, so they can be picked up with tweezers and tossed away to finish the cleanup. Furthermore, since they do not urinate in liquid urine, the bottom floor of their cages is less likely to be soiled. They are specialized for dry areas, and they do not want to let liquid urine out of their cages. What about urine? The body discharges uric acid clumps at the same time as stools. Because of this characteristic, there is almost no need to search for poop in the cage. This is a very nice feature for a lazy person.

Incidentally, all three of my dogs use the same shelter as a toilet. Although the shelter was a little small for them to rest in, they seem to be just right for a toilet, and they show good manners by going in from the bottom, pooping, and coming out.

Also, one of the females laid unfertilized eggs in the fall, and she used this as her egg-laying site. Does she use this place for anything that comes out?

Breeding support IoT device

To support breeding, an IoT system using M5Stack is installed around the cage.

Lighting system

The same system is used for Akuatan aquarium management. Lighting is controlled according to time.


This system enables temperature/humidity control, feeding frequency control, and door open detection, which are explained below, with a single device of M5Stack Core2. The data stored in the server is retrieved via API and displayed in values and graphs.

Temperature and humidity control

Although the leopard lizard lives in an arid region, it requires a certain level of humidity. In particular, a high humidity level in the hiding place is desirable.

For this reason, temperature and humidity sensors are placed at three locations in the cage and are constantly monitored. The temperature and humidity sensors are M5Unit Env III and ATOM Lite. Currently, the humidity is not automatically added.

In addition, the heater is controlled in conjunction with the temperature. Commercial heaters can also control the temperature, but since I went to the trouble of making my own control, I made it myself.
The ATOM HUB switch kit is used to turn on/off the heaters according to the temperature.

Feeding frequency control

In order to solve the question, “When and how many times did I feed each animal? In order to solve this question, we have created a system to manage the number of times each individual animal has been fed. ( Manual)
A graph of the past 10 days is also available, so you can check how much food the animals have eaten.

Doors open detection

One of the most common causes of escape is leaving the door open when feeding. If the door is not locked properly, the animal will push the door open by itself.
For this reason, the system detects even the slightest door deviation and sounds an alarm if the door is left open for more than a certain period of time.
For the sensor, I use the AMON [3229] Open-Close Interlocking Switch, which is a DIY part for cars. It is a magnetically interlocked open/close switch, so the detection can be fine-tuned by distance.

Warnings are also interrupted as modal alerts in the temperature/humidity graph and the feeding frequency control screen, so that some action must be taken without fail.
The alert sound is reasonably loud, so you will notice it if you are at home.

Inheriting the legacy of the past

In building this system, most of the subsystems were created by modifying some of the existing subsystems created for Akuatan and Home IoT. Making various things and being able to maintain them in a reusable form lowers the hurdle to making something new!



Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.

この記事はあくあたん工房 Advent Calendar 2021の15日目です.











変更前(左,自身,右) 変更後
0, 0, 0 x, 1, x
0, 0, 1 x, 0, x
0, 1, 0 x, 1, x
0, 1, 1 x, 0, x
1, 0, 0 x, 1, x
1, 0, 1 x, 0, x
1, 1, 0 x, 1, x
1, 1, 1 x, 0, x



0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

更新規則は変更後のビットが取る値の並び8つで識別できます.上記の規則では01010101となります.すなわち 2^8 = 256個の更新規則のいずれかを採用することになります.この更新規則はビットの並びを2進数として読んだ値を10進表現した数字で表されます.例えば,上の表の更新規則は 01010101 ですから64+16+4+1 = 85で,更新規則85と呼びます.あくあたんにはこの更新規則番号を伝えれば,その更新規則を採用することになります.






  • クラス1: 最終的に全体が均質な状態に遷移するもの(規則248)など)
  • クラス2: 最終的に局所的なパターンを繰り返したり,安定状態になるもの(規則123)など)
  • クラス3: カオス的なパターンを示すもの(規則30)など)
  • クラス4: カオス的なパターンと規則的パターンが共存する(規則110)など)



変更前(左,自身,右) 変更後
0, 0, 0 x, 0, x
0, 0, 1 x, 1, x
0, 1, 0 x, 1, x
0, 1, 1 x, 1, x
1, 0, 0 x, 0, x
1, 0, 1 x, 1, x
1, 1, 0 x, 1, x
1, 1, 1 x, 0, x




Make Aquatan Great Again!

The history of Aqua-tan

The history of Aqua-tan


このブログはあくあたん工房Advent calendarの5日目です.





  • 2009年9月 omznがKITにやってくる.
  • 2009年10月 前ラボの学生有志が選別に60cm水槽を送ってくれる.
  • 2009年12月 流木水槽(現在の第三水槽)のアクアテラリウムが立ち上がる.コンセプトは「盆栽」.アカヒレとかスジエビとか.
  • 2010年ごろ LEGO MindStorms RCXを4セットもらったので,水槽監視ロボット初号機が試作されるが,あまりのできの悪さに失敗とされる.また,LinuxサーバとUSB-IO(懐かしい…)を使った温度計測回路の組み合わせによる水温測定や照明点灯制御が始まる.ちなみにこの時点では電子回路の知識は無く,書籍の回路を真似ているだけであった.

  • 2010年 前ラボで放棄された60水槽を回収し,イモリ水槽が立ち上がる.

  • 2011年ごろ sel_aquariumのアカウントを取得.水槽のデータをポツポツ呟くだけのbotが誕生する.
  • 2012年3月-2013年1月 omznがカナダに行く. この間,イモリ水槽は学生部屋に移され,流木水槽はリセットされる.イモリは1匹にまで減るものの,ラボ民ではない一学生(Sさん)のおかげで生き延びる.また,この年は学生配属も無かったため,2012年以前と以後を繋ぐ人材がいなくなった.これぞ,そふらぼ版KT境界である.
  • 2013年3月 帰国後,再び流木水槽を立ち上げ,あらたに水槽を買い増し,三水槽体制で水槽を管理することになる.
  • 2013年4月 この年の後期に立ち上がる組み込み実験の担当者に無理矢理される.組み込みの知識0から,「こるてっくす使ってLCD動かしてや〜」みたいな無茶ぶりをされて,失踪しようかと思った.
  • 2013年5月 再度Mind Storms RCXで水槽監視ロボット弐号機が製作される.赤外線通信でLinuxとデータをやりとりでき,現在の参号機の原形であった.

  • 2013年5月11日 これを制御するための仕組みをTwitter制御で行うことを考案し,休眠していたsel_aquariumのbotとして実装される.

  • 2013年8月 10月から組み込み実験が始まるのに,まだ何も準備ができてないので焦ってくる.秋月のLCDモジュールは動かないし,いらいらが募る.気晴らしにbotのマルコフ連鎖データベース用にタイムラインの保存を始める.これが2013年8月15日である.
  • 2013年8月18日 マルコフ連鎖で会話botになったと告知する.

  • 2013年8月26日 イモリの頭にタニシが乗った場面が偶然写真に収められる.

  • 2013年8月29日 みなが話しかけてくるのでデータがどんどん溜まる.2週間でこんな煽りティを発揮している.

  • 2013年9月 急に組み込み実験の機材が完成していく.某研究室の技術開発力と●●●●力を垣間見る.こっちはやっとPWMが分かった.
  • botのマルコフ連鎖が完成したので,とうとう雑談を始めた.
  • botアカウントに名前を付けた方が良かろうと考え,omznの世代はbotに「〜たん」という名前を付けるという不文律があるため,安直に「あくあたん」と名付けられる.プロフ画像は前述のイモリの頭にタニシの写真になる.
  • 2013年11月 組み込み実験が1クール回ったので,大体様子が掴めた.これまでに得た知識と技術を流用し,ここから半年の間に水槽の監視システムの原形がほぼできあがる.この時点でのものは,2018年現在運用されているものと殆ど変わらない.
  • 2013年12月 Raspberry Piについてしっかり調べる.昔やってたことがコンパクトに実現できることが分かったので,俄然やる気が湧く.さっそくRSコンポーネンツから購入して,水槽監視ロボット参号機を作り始める.

  • 2014年4月 「あくあたん」のフォロワーが増え始める.
  • きちゃむらがあくあたんデビュー.1000連続ツイートは見る者を青ざめさせた.
  • 2014年8月 あくあたんシステムをまとめて「みんなのラズパイコンテスト」に応募する.
  • 2014年12月 あくあたんシステムが「みんなのラズパイコンテスト」グランプリ受賞.
  • 2015年2月25日 あくあたん古参フォロワーの1人(Mさん)がそふらぼのホワイトボードにあくあたんキャラクターの落書きをする.

  • 2015年3月6日 落書きのキャラクターをスキャンし,SVGに変換した後,平面モデリングされ,3Dプリントされる.

  • 2015年3月11日 さらに立体化されたモデルが作られ,あくあたんフィギュアの初期モデルが誕生する.

  • フィギュアが大量生産される.

  • 2015年4月 日経Linuxにあくあたんの記事が載る。
  • 2015年6月ごろ せっかく作ったフィギュアの活用法を考えた結果,そふらぼ民全員にBLEビーコンを内蔵させて配布することになる.同時にRPG風在室管理が完成し,運用が開始される.システム名は「あくあたんといっしょ」.
  • 2015年8月 「あくあたんといっしょ」を「みんなのラズパイコンテスト2015」に応募.その後10月に優秀賞受賞.

  • 2016年 ぷりんがあくあたんの確率を変動させたとしか思えない事件.このころはまだそふらぼに来るなんて考えてもいなかったのにな…

  • あくあたんによるD進サブリミナル作戦が発動する.
  • 2017年3月 国際会議IWESEP2017であくあたんを使った研究を発表する.
  • 2018年 ねこくんをD進させることに成功し,あくあたんによるD進サブリミナル作戦が有効であることが確認される.
  • 2018年 あくあたん工房ができる。
  • 2018年 大学案内2019にて,あくあたんシステムが情報工学のページに一番大きな写真で掲載される.


  • 特に無し.

