- 学術論文誌(査読付)
- [1] Khine Yin Mon, Masanari Kondo, Eunjong Choi, and Osamu Mizuno , "Commit-Based Class-Level Defect Prediction Models for Python Projects," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, volume E106-D, number 2, pages 157-165, February 2023.
- [2] Tim Menzies, Osamu Mizuno, Yasunari Takagi, and Tohru Kikuno, "Explanation Vs Performance in Data Mining: a Case Study with Predicting Runaway Projects," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, volume 2, number 4, pages 221-236, November 2009.
- [3] 浜野 康裕, 天嵜 聡介, 水野 修, 菊野 亨, "相関ルールマイニングによるソフトウェア開発プロジェクト中のリスク要因の分析," コンピュータソフトウェア, volume 24, number 2, pages 79-87, 2007年2月.
- [4] Yasunari Takagi, Osamu Mizuno, and Tohru Kikuno, "An Empirical Approach to Characterizing Risky Software Projects Based on Logistic Regression Analysis," Empirical Software Engineering, volume 10, number 4, pages 495-515, December 2005.
- 国際会議(査読付)
- [1] Hiroya Watanabe, Masanari Kondo, Eunjong Choi, and Osamu Mizuno, "Benefits and Pitfalls of Token-Level Szz: an Empirical Study on Oss Projects," In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER2024) , March 2024.
- [2] Eunjong Choi and Norihiro Yoshida, "What Kind of and How Clones Are Refactored?: a Case Study of Three Oss Projects," In the 5th Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT 2012), pages 1-7, June 2012.
- [3] Sousuke Amasaki, Yasuhiro Hamano, Osamu Mizuno, and Tohru Kikuno, "Characterization of Runaway Software Projects Using Association Rule Mining," In Proc. of 7th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES2006), volume LNCS 4034, pages 402-407, June 2006.
- [4] Sousuke Amasaki, Yasunari Takagi, Osamu Mizuno, and Tohru Kikuno, "Empirical Diagnosis of Software Projects by a Bayesian Classifier," In Poster Presentation in Doctoral Symposium, 27th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2005), May 2005.
- [5] Seiya Abe, Osamu Mizuno, and Tohru Kikuno, "Predicting Runaway Projects for Reliable Software Developments Using Bayesian Classifier," In Proc. of 15th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE2004), Supplemental proceedings, pages 23-24, November 2004.
- [6] Osamu Mizuno, Takanari Hamasaki, Yasunari Takagi, and Tohru Kikuno, "An Empirical Evaluation of Predicting Runaway Software Projects Using Bayesian Classification," In Proc. of 5th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES2004), volume LNCS 3009, pages 263-273, April 2004.
- [7] Osamu Mizuno, Takuya Adachi, Tohru Kikuno, and Yasunari Takagi, "On Prediction of Cost and Duration for Risky Software Projects Based on Risk Questionnaire," In Proc. of 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Quality Software (APAQS2001), pages 120-128, December 2001.
- [8] Nahomi Kikuchi, Osamu Mizuno, and Tohru Kikuno, "Identifying Key Attributes of Projects That Affect the Field Quality of Communication Software," In Proc. of 24th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2000), pages 176-178, October 2000.
- [9] Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Characterization of Risky Projects Based on Project Managers Evaluation," In Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2000), pages 387-395, June 2000.
- 研究会・全国大会等
- [1] 出張 純也, 尾形 憲一, 菊野 亨, 水野 修, 菊地 奈穂美, 平山 雅之, "相関ルールマイニングを利用したソフトウェアプロジェクト混乱要因の関連性に関する調査," 情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会(第72回全国大会), 5B-1, 2010年3月.
- [2] 出張 純也, 菊野 亨, 水野 修, 菊地 奈穂美, 平山 雅之, "相関ルールに対するクラスタ分析によるソフトウェアプロジェクトのリスク抽出," ウィンターワークショップ2010・イン・倉敷 論文集, pages 115-116, 2010年1月.
- [3] 工藤 公太, 水野 修, 菊野 亨, "複数の手法を用いたソフトウェア開発プロジェクトの混乱予測 -- 手法間での精度比較実験 --," 電子情報通信学会技術報告, volume 104, number 467, SS2004-36, pages 13-18, 2004年11月.
- 学位論文
- [1] Hiroya Watanabe, "Token-Level SZZ: Fine-Grained Identification of Bug-Inducing Commits in Java Projects," Master thesis, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2024.
- [2] Khine Yin Mon, "Commit-Based Class-Level Defect Prediction for Python Projects," Master thesis, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2022.
- [3] Junwei Liang, "A Comparison and Analysis of Modern Code Review in Open Source Software Projects," Master thesis, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2013.