- 学術論文誌(査読付)
- [1] Shinji Kusumoto, Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Yuji Hirayama, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Software Project Simulator for Effective Process Improvement," Trans. of Information Processing Society of Japan, volume 42, number 3, pages 396-408, March 2001.
- [2] Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Katsumi Inagaki, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Statistical Analysis of Deviation of Actual Cost from Estimated Cost Using Actual Project Data," Information and Software Technology, volume 42, number 7, pages 465-473, May 2000.
- [3] Osamu Mizuno, Shinji Kusumoto, Tohru Kikuno, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Experimental Evaluation of Two-Phase Project Control for Software Development Process," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, volume E81-A, number 4, pages 605-614, April 1998.
- 国際会議(査読付)
- [1] Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Characterization of Risky Projects Based on Project Managers Evaluation," In Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2000), pages 387-395, June 2000.
- [2] Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Katsumi Inagaki, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Analyzing Effects of Cost Estimation Accuracy on Quality and Productivity," In Proc. of 20th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE98), pages 410-419, April 1998.
- [3] Osamu Mizuno, Shinji Kusumoto, Tohru Kikuno, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Estimating the Number of Faults Using Simulator Based on Generalized Stochastic Petri-Net Model," In Proc. of the 6th Asian Test Symposium (ATS97), pages 269-274, November 1997.
- [4] Katsumi Inagaki, Yasunari Takagi, Keishi Sakamoto, and Osamu Mizuno, "Analyzing the Cost Estimation Accuracy in Software Project Respect to Productivity and Quality," In Proc. of International Symposium on Future Software Technology 97 (ISFST97), pages 372-377, October 1997.
- [5] Shinji Kusumoto, Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Yuji Hirayama, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "A New Software Project Simulator Based on Generalized Stochastic Petri-Net," In Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE97), pages 293-303, May 1997.
- 国内会議(査読付)
- [1] 足立 卓也, 水野 修, 菊野 亨, 高木 徳生, 坂本 啓司, "アンケート調査に基づく開発中のプロジェクトの混乱予測とその予測作業支援システムの開発," ソフトウェアシンポジウム2000論文集, pages 146-153, 2000年6月.
- [2] 水野 修, 菊野 亨, 稲垣 勝巳, 高木 徳生, 坂本 啓司, "コスト見積り誤差評価の統計的仮説検定を用いた考察," ソフトウェアシンポジウム'98論文集, pages 77-82, 1998年6月.
- 研究会・全国大会等
- [1] 金村 一弘, 水野 修, 菊野 亨, 高木 徳生, 坂本 啓司, "レビュー作業の質に着目したソフトウェア最終品質の推定," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, volume 99, number 682-683, SS99-69, pages 1-7, 2000年3月.
- [2] 稲垣 勝巳, 高木 徳生, 坂本 啓司, 水野 修, 菊野 亨, "ソフトウェア開発プロジェクトにおける開発計画の分析 -- 品質,生産性との関連性 --," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, volume 97, number 260-261, SS97-27, pages 15-22, 1997年9月.
- 受賞
- [1] Shinji Kusumoto, Osamu Mizuno, Tohru Kikuno, Yuji Hirayama, Yasunari Takagi, and Keishi Sakamoto, "Software Project Simulator for Effective Process Improvement," 情報処理学会40周年記念論文賞, 2000.