最優秀論文賞 @ IWESEP2017

サイバーフィジカルシステム(あくあたん)のログから異常状態を自動検出した研究(M1 原田禎之さん)が,国際ワークショップ IWESEP2017 (co-located with ICST2017) の最優秀論文に選出されました!

  • Y. Harada, Y. Yamagata, O. Mizuno, and E. Choi, "Log-Based Anomaly Detection of CPS Using a Statistical Method," In Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2017), pp. 1-6, March 2017. (Tokyo, Japan) (Acceptance rate: 62.5%, 10/16)
  • Y. Harada, Y. Yamagata, O. Mizuno, and E. Choi, "Best Paper Award: a Log-Based Anomaly Detection of Cps Using a Statistical Method," In the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2017), March 2017.