Internship students from Thailand
We have three Thai students from Kasetsart University, Thailand. They will tackle with making Software Andon p …
We have three Thai students from Kasetsart University, Thailand. They will tackle with making Software Andon p …
Professor Ying (Jenny) Zou will visit our laboratory.
The NPO ASTER gave the 11th Zengo-award to our paper presented in SES2017.
(日本語) 2018年1月の研究分野調査におけるソフトウェア工学研究室の対応スケジュールを公開しました.
Our 2 papers are accepted to Software Engineering Symposium 2017.
Our paper has been accepted to QRS2017 in Prague.
We have the 1st introduction for new comers at Apr 12, 2017. Come 8-302 and join us!
Our paper got the best paper award in IWESEP 2017.
Our paper is accepted to IWESEP 2017 workshop (co-located with ICST2017).
We will have laboratory introductions in Jan 18, 25, and Feb 1.