(日本語) ソフトウェア・シンポジウム2022 論文奨励賞
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The NPO ASTER gave the 11th Zengo-award to our paper presented in SES2017.
Our 2 papers are accepted to Software Engineering Symposium 2017.
Our paper has been accepted to QRS2017 in Prague.
Our paper got the best paper award in IWESEP 2017.
Our paper is accepted to IWESEP 2017 workshop (co-located with ICST2017).
Our paper is accepted to QUASoQ workshop (co-located with APSEC2016).
Our papers were accepted to the ISSRE2016 at Ottawa.
Our papers were accepted to the QRS2016 at Vienna.
Our paper was accepted to PROMOTE workshop in PROFES2015.