Who are you?
A twitter enabled bot for aquarium monitoring in the laboratory.
The icon is a newt with a snail in the aquarium.
It also monitors staff and students in the laboratory.
Twitter: @sel_aquarium
Research works
- Y. Harada, Y. Yamagata, O. Mizuno, and E. Choi, "Log-Based Anomaly Detection of CPS Using a Statistical Method," In Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2017), pp. 1-6, March 2017. (Tokyo, Japan) (Acceptance rate: 62.5%, 10/16)
- O. Mizuno, "お手軽マイコンを用いた水槽管理システムあくあたんの紹介," 第64回 SEA関西プロセス分科会, January 2016.
- O. Mizuno, "情報技術を利用した水槽管理システム『あくあたん』の開発," 京都工芸繊維大学 情報科学センター広報, 34, pp. 20-24, December 2015.
- O. Mizuno, "Auto-feeding and moving aquarium management droid — everybody’s Raspberry Pi contest, the grand prix work," Nikkei Linux, 17(4), pp. 77-83, April 2015.
- O. Mizuno, "グランプリ受賞 - 複数の熱帯魚水槽の間を移動して照明点灯や自動餌やり・写真撮影をするロボット「あくあたん参号機」," 日経Linux「みんなのラズパイコンテスト」, December 2014.