(日本語) 2023年度新規メンバー
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2022年4月から下記のメンバーが新たに加わりました! 大満 尚人 (B4) 辰岡 那由太 (B4) 真東 優太 (B4) 南 翔大 (B4) これからよろしくお願いします!
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Master theses and Bachelor theses in AY2021 are now released. PDFs are available from the following link: 2021 …
Come and join us at 2019-04-12 13:00@8-302.
Dr. Eunjong Choi joined us as an assistant professor.
We have three Thai students from Kasetsart University, Thailand. They will tackle with making Software Andon p …
The NPO ASTER gave the 11th Zengo-award to our paper presented in SES2017.
We have the 1st introduction for new comers at Apr 12, 2017. Come 8-302 and join us!