In 26 and 27, January 2017, we have a workshop of IEICE SIGSS in KIT campus.
In 26 and 27, January 2017, we have a workshop of IEICE SIGSS in KIT campus.
From Jan. 1, 2017, Osamu Mizuno becomes a Professor of SEL@KIT.
We had a presentation on 12th workshop of Forum on Reliable Computer Software @ Kanazawa.
Our paper is accepted to QUASoQ workshop (co-located with APSEC2016).
Our papers were accepted to the ISSRE2016 at Ottawa.
We have two students from Ecole des Mines de Douai by the international exchange program.
We had two internship students from Kasetsart University in Thailand from June to August 2016.
Our papers were accepted to the QRS2016 at Vienna.
Our paper was accepted to PROMOTE workshop in PROFES2015.
We presented a paper in COMPSAC2015 at Taichung, Taiwan.